Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Who Wears the Shoes in This Family

Who wears the pants shoes in this family? I have to admit that I am now a mother of a teenage son with size 13 (yes, that would be a men's size 13) foot! His feet look like skis and his toes are a second set of fingers I swear.

Kelly is a size 13 at 13! I cannot believe that 1) I'm a mother of a teenager (where did time fly?) and 2) that said teenager is almost as tall as his 6ft dad.

Where did the time go? It was just a couple of years ago that he was born during a snow storm and placed into a stocking for his first picture, wasn't it?

Kelly just hours old.

And a cute 2 y/o in Hawaii

Ohhhh that picture should have given us a
clue on how big his feet were going to be.

And a kid who slept with a build-a-bear
Husky dog and had shelves of toys?

This boy now is a young man in the 7th grade. This boy makes his mom and dad (and the rest of his family) very proud. He is a great friend. He is a good student. He is a talented musician. He is creative inventor. He is a good brother (the majority of the time when he isn't teasing or bugging his sister). He is a wonderful son. And he is 13 and on his way to becoming one great man.

Happy Belated Birthday my dear Kelly. I love you.


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